Maximising Industry Local Content in Regional Queensland
Queensland Local Content Leaders Network is a collaboration of
industry and business groups, local government representatives and key
industry partners. Together, we advocate for local economies to maximise
the local benefit of projects.
The following principles underpin the Undersigned’s approach to maximising local
content opportunities in each of our regions.
While respecting regional boundaries, we will work together to develop a consistent and collaborative approach to industry’s requests for assistance in delivering its local content obligations (e.g. the Queensland Resources and Energy Sector Code of Practice for Local Content (2013) or similar industry local content codes).
l develop and deliver local content programs and services that make it simpler for local business to competitively bid for supply opportunities in our local area.
We will design region-specific responses to drive local industry participation, workforce development and social investment that deliver long lasting economic benefits for our local businesses, while supporting and developing our region.
We will consult with all key stakeholders to tailor our activities to respond to the unique requirements of our community.
We will lead local responses and deliver innovative solutions to improve local content participation in our community.
We will seek opportunities for collaboration to maximise local procurement leverage, reduce duplication of effort and share information, where this leads to economies of scale, efficiency and improved outcomes for our regions.
We will partner with industry to provide local solutions to local challenges and opportunities. This includes involving participants and organisations from the local community to deliver the initiatives.
We will place a strong emphasis on supporting initiatives that help local organisations develop skills and resources, and support them to deliver services that contribute long-term economic and social benefits to our local community.
We will investigate and deploy information technology to deliver targeted, fee-for-service local content solutions to industry.
We will apply openness, fairness, accountability, and transparency to all activities.
Maximising regional spend from major private and public projects is paramount to driving investment and economic prosperity in regions.
The Queensland Local Content Leaders Network (the network) grew out of acknowledgment that while it is difficult for an isolated region to achieve strong local content outcomes and progress opportunities, there is strength in partnership.
The network provides the opportunity for experienced individuals from economic development organisations, local governmentand industry groups to share best practice initiatives on local content, industry participation, procurement and purchasing, and regional development.
There is no formalised membership of the network, and new participants that could benefit from active participation are encouraged to join.